Evidence-based medicine pairs with evidence-based lifestyle interventions to deliver superior results.
With so much information available around weight loss, health, and beauty, it can be hard to know what information is useful and what information is unreliable or potentially even harmful.
When it comes to managing your health, many of the recommendations available on the internet/ social media are directly contradictory to one another.
For example, when it comes to weight loss, should a person try keto, intermittent fasting, carnivore, Mediterranean, vegan, low-carb / high protein, or any other number of other diets to address their weight goals? Is fruit good or bad? What about eggs and meat? What about “anti-nutrients…,” is that a thing?
Should a person focus on nutrition or should they focus on exercise or invest time and energy into both? And if both, what kind of exercise and how much is needed to help achieve your goal? HIIT, Cross fit, classes, strength training, or cardio?
It seems everyone is offering a solution but the dizzying number of competing “solutions” can become overwhelming.
At Lancaster Wellness, we embrace evidence-based solutions for problems our patients face. Studies such as randomized-controlled trials, population studies, meta-analyses, umbrella studies, interventional and observational trials, national standards/ national guidelines, can all shed light on what interventions provide the best outcomes in terms of client health, sustainability, satisfaction, and safety.
Our goal is to provide clarity to our clients concerning the best tested solutions to their concerns and problems. Enjoy these articles as they dive into the currently available research concerning a variety of topics!! Live well!!
-Donovan Carper MSN RN CPT CHC